Launching our first #AskAndrea funding webinar

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      We are thrilled to be hosting our first Swoop Funding webinar with our CEO, Andrea Reynolds. The first #AskAndrea webinar will take place on Tuesday 10th September at 7pm. Register to join here.

      Tweet us @swoopfunding and send in all of your questions for our CEO, Andrea Reynolds, to offer her expert advice. Ask anything you’d like to know about all things funding and finance related. Andrea has a wealth of experience, largely focused on matching businesses with funding and investment opportunities, and launched Swoop in 2018 to help SMEs startup, scale up and finance their new ventures.

      Whether you’re an SME unsure about the types of funding you need, or you would like clarity on a particular scheme this webinar will absolutely answer your unanswered questions.

      Looking forward to having you join.

      Don’t forget to catch up with all our daily updates and news follow us on Twitter, Instagram,  Facebook  and LinkedIn.

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