We won at Nesta’s Open Up Challenge!

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      We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve won the BCA Track prize in this year’s Nesta Open Up Challenge! It’s been a busy few months of presentations and competition against some of the biggest players in fintech and to top it off, we’re the only Irish company to have been awarded in the final round of the 12-month competition. The Open Up Challenge is a prize fund backing ambitious products that support small businesses to save both time and money, find better services and discover the intelligence in their financial data. So, now that we’ve won the coveted prize we are excited to announce new features on the Swoop platform.

      Compare bank accounts

      The average SME spends an average of 45 minutes filling in forms online,  before waiting an average of 48 hours to hear back from the bank. They then often have to endure 3 and a half hours in talks with the bank to complete the task. We set out to dramatically change this system and reduce the time exponentially. We enable our SMEs to integrate their business bank accounts into our platform; thus enabling them to:

      • Compare their business bank account against the major U.K banks, High Street Banks and Challenger Banks for:
        • Bank rates
        • Introductory offers
        • Overdraft facilities
        • Electronic payments
        • ATM Fees
        • FX payments
      • Fill and download the documentation to switch business bank accounts
      • Select which direct debit payments to move across to the new account and which ones to cancel
      • Book a date to switch business bank accounts

      Is it time for you to review your banking options? Integrate your bank account with Swoop now!

      Non-bank savings to increase value to SMEs

      We analyse SMEs’ spending habits across subscriptions, FX, insurance, mobile and utilities. Through our fulfillment partner, Make It Cheaper Ltd, we are able to achieve substantial savings for our SMEs. The average person spends €30,000 on wasted subscriptions over their lifetime. With our help, SMEs can now analyse their expenditure and search for cost savings at the click of a button. Sign up today and see the difference this can make for your business.

      Unsecured SME lending

      We are now able to provide SMEs with a range of unsecured lending deals, from €1,000 to €25,000, from every major bank in the U.K. Loan periods range from 1-10 years and APRs range from 6-15%. These facilities can prove incredibly useful for startups looking for early growth capital to cover tech expenses to build out their minimal viable product before seeking further equity based funding. Does this sound like you? Step this way. 

      What this means to us

      Our founder Andrea Reynolds said: “With exponential growth of our users and funding partners across the platform this year, the Open Up Challenge award is as motivating as it is rewarding.

      The award not only highlights Swoop as a valuable product with impressive growth potential, but it solidifies its noble purpose of supporting SMEs to navigate the ever-changing and often-turbulent funding arena. The closure of our latest funding round has made 2018 a very successful year and as we move into what promises to be an exciting new year, we are proud to be at the forefront of open banking, creating additional opportunities for SMEs to connect with viable, necessary funding options to grow their businesses.”

      Do you want to make big savings for your business? Head over to swoopfunding.com and integrate your bank account onto our new system. Any information shared is for your eyes only – any details we share with providers will only be done with your full consent. If you’d like to learn more about Nesta’s Open Up Challenge and why we won, head over here.

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