Green finance

Page written by AI. Reviewed internally on February 8, 2024.


Green finance refers to financial products, services, and investments that support environmentally sustainable projects, businesses, and initiatives.

What is green finance?

Green finance focuses on financing activities that have positive environmental outcomes, such as renewable energy projects, energy efficiency improvements, sustainable agriculture, waste management, clean transportation, and conservation initiatives. These investments aim to reduce climate change, reduce pollution, conserve natural resources, and promote biodiversity.

Governments worldwide are implementing policies and regulations to promote green finance and incentivise sustainable investments. These frameworks may include tax incentives, subsidies, grants, mandates, disclosure requirements, and sustainability standards to encourage financial institutions, investors, and businesses to integrate environmental considerations into their decision-making processes.

The green finance market is experiencing rapid growth and innovation, driven by increasing awareness of environmental issues, shifting consumer preferences, technological advancements, and regulatory developments. Financial institutions, asset managers, and other market participants are launching new green financial products and services to meet growing demand for sustainable investment opportunities.

Green finance initiatives often incorporate impact measurement and reporting mechanisms to assess the environmental and social outcomes of investments. Metrics such as carbon footprint, energy efficiency improvements, greenhouse gas emissions reductions, and social co-benefits are used to evaluate the effectiveness and sustainability of green finance initiatives and communicate their impact to stakeholders.

Example of green finance

A renewable energy company, SolarTech, seeks funding to install solar panels on residential rooftops to generate clean energy. SolarTech approached a bank that specialises in green finance for a loan to finance the project.

The bank evaluates SolarTech’s proposal and determines that it fits their green finance criteria, which prioritise investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.

The bank approves a green loan of €1 million for SolarTech at favourable terms. SolarTech uses the loan to purchase solar panels and equipment and hires local contractors to install them on homeowners’ rooftops.

Over time, the solar panels generate clean electricity, reducing homeowners’ reliance on fossil fuels and lowering their carbon emissions. As a result, SolarTech’s project contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting renewable energy adoption.

In this example, green finance enables SolarTech to finance a sustainable project that fits environmental objectives while providing financial benefits to both the company and its customers.

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