Statement of Particulars

Page written by AI. Reviewed internally on July 24, 2024.


A Statement of Particulars is a document that outlines the essential terms and conditions of an employment contract. 

What is a Statement of Particulars?

A Statement of Particulars is a legal requirement which requires that employers provide employees with a written statement detailing key aspects of their employment. It must be provided to employees within two months of the start of their employment, and it serves as a formal record of the employment arrangement that ensures that both the employer and employee are clear on the terms of their working relationship.

Typically, the Statement of Particulars includes information such as the employee’s job title, duties, and responsibilities; the start date of employment; the terms and conditions of remuneration, including salary and payment intervals; hours of work; details of any probationary period; and the notice period required for termination of employment. It may also cover other employment terms, such as holiday entitlements, sick leave, and any applicable collective agreements.

The purpose of the Statement of Particulars is to provide transparency and clarity regarding the terms of employment, helping to prevent conflicts and making sure that employees are fully informed about their rights and obligations. By setting out these details in writing, it establishes a clear framework for the employment relationship and supports fair and consistent treatment of employees.

Example of a Statement of Particulars

A new employee, Emma, starts a marketing position at a Dublin-based company. Within two months of her start date, the company provides Emma with a Statement of Particulars. This document outlines her job title as “Marketing Coordinator,” her start date, and her annual salary of €40,000.

It also specifies her standard working hours as 9 AM to 5:30 PM, Monday to Friday, and includes details on her 20 days of annual leave, sick leave entitlements, and a three-month probationary period. The statement also notes the required one month’s notice for terminating the employment. This comprehensive document makes sure that Emma is fully informed about her employment terms and conditions.

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