African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF)

Page written by AI. Reviewed internally on March 20, 2024.


The African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) is an intergovernmental organisation established to promote cooperation, collaboration, and capacity building among tax administrations in Africa.

What is the African Tax Administration Forum?

The African Tax Administration Forum serves as a platform for African countries to work together to improve tax systems, enhance tax compliance, and strengthen tax administration practices across the continent.

ATAF’s membership consists of tax administrations from African countries, including revenue authorities, tax agencies, and other governmental bodies responsible for tax administration. Member countries collaborate with each other and with external partners, such as international organisations and development agencies, to address common challenges and share best practices in tax administration.

ATAF has launched several initiatives and programs to support its member countries in improving tax compliance, enhancing revenue collection, and building institutional capacity in tax administration. These initiatives cover areas such as transfer pricing, tax transparency and information exchange, taxpayer education and outreach, and digitalisation of tax administration processes.

Example of the African Tax Administration Forum

An example of the African Tax Administration Forum in action could involve member countries collaborating to develop a regional training program aimed at improving tax compliance among small businesses. Through ATAF’s coordination, tax authorities from different African nations could come together to share best practices, develop training materials, and organise workshops to educate small business owners on their tax obligations and how to fulfil them effectively.

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