Joint venture

Page written by AI. Reviewed internally on February 1, 2024.


A joint venture, in the context of business and commerce, is a strategic partnership between two or more companies or entities that come together to collaborate on a specific project or business activity.

What is a joint venture?

This collaboration involves sharing resources, risks, profits, and responsibilities for the mutual benefit of the parties involved. Joint ventures can take various forms, including the creation of a new company or a contractual agreement between existing entities. They are often used to leverage the strengths and expertise of each partner to achieve a common goal, such as entering a new market, developing a new product, or pursuing a specific business opportunity.

Example of a joint venture

Let’s consider a joint venture between two companies, Company A and Company B, in the context of a technology project. They decide to collaborate on a joint venture to develop and launch a new smart home device.

Both companies agree on the equity distribution for the joint venture. They decide that Company A will have a 60% stake, reflecting its substantial contribution in software development, while Company B will have a 40% stake.

The teams from both companies collaborate closely to design, develop, and test the smart thermostat. Regular meetings and communication channels are established to ensure effective coordination.

In this example, the joint venture between Company A and Company B allows them to combine their strengths and resources to create a successful product.

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