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Streamlining access to funding that fuels your growth.

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Smart tech built by accountants, for accountants

Think of us as your virtual CFO

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Looking for funding?
Suddenly it’s easy

Business loans

Which loan is right for you? We sift through offers from mainstream banks as well as alternative lenders to find the right solution for your business.

Equity financing

Get connected with business angels, venture capital investors and crowdfunding investors, and find equity investors via government initiatives.

Business grants

Cut the time and headaches you’d spend wandering in the maze of grants. Lengthy searches? They’re history – we’ll find you the most relevant grant funding.

Save on business expenses

Ever felt like you’re paying too much for your business bank account, credit card, or energy bills? We’ll help you find some of the best deals on the market – we’ve helped customers save over £7m (and counting)!


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