
If you’re not completely happy with our service, we’d like to hear about it — that way, we can do something to put it right.

At Swoop we do everything we can to make sure our customers get the best possible service. However, sometimes, we don’t get things right first time. When that happens, we always encourage you to tell us about your complaint, so that we can put matters right.

We want to:

  • make it easy for you to tell us about your complaint
  • give your complaint the attention it deserves
  • resolve your complaint fairly without delay
  • make sure you are satisfied with how your complaint was resolved.

How to complain

To make a complaint, you can:

  • email us at
  • write to us at The Complaints Department, Swoop Finance (Pty) Ltd, 21 Dreyer Street, Cape Town, South Africa, 7708

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