Price per square foot calculator
Our price per square foot calculator helps you determine the cost of a property, or a space, based on its size, whether you are renting, leasing or buying.
Page written by AI. Reviewed internally on May 17, 2024.

Our price per square foot calculator helps you determine the cost of a property, or a space, based on its size, whether you are renting, leasing or buying.
Page written by AI. Reviewed internally on May 17, 2024.
This calculator is intended for illustration purposes only and exact payment terms should be agreed with a lender before taking out a loan.
Your results
Purchase price per square foot
Monthly lease price
Yearly lease price
Monthly rent per square foot
Yearly rent per square foot
To calculate the price per square foot, you need to know the total cost and the total square footage. Then, you divide the total cost by the total square footage. Here’s the formula:
Price per square foot = Total cost Ă· Total square footage
For example, if the total cost is R10,000 and the total square footage is 1,000 square feet:
Price per square foot = R10,000 Ă· 1,000 sq ft = R10 per sq ft
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