Price per square foot calculator

Our price per square foot calculator helps you determine the cost of a property, or a space, based on its size, whether you are renting, leasing or buying.

Ian Hawkins

Page written by Ian Hawkins. Last reviewed on July 12, 2024. Next review due April 1, 2025.

sq feet (ft²)

This calculator is intended for illustration purposes only and exact payment terms should be agreed with a lender before taking out a loan.

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How to calculate price per square foot?

To calculate the price per square foot, you need to know the total cost and the total square footage. Then, you divide the total cost by the total square footage. Here’s the formula:

Price per square foot = Total cost ÷ Total square footage

If the total cost is £10,000 and the total square footage is 1,000 square feet:

Price per square foot = $10,000 ÷ 1,000 sq ft = $10 per sq ft

What is the average price per square foot?

Across Canada, the average price per square foot varies widely. For example, in cities like Calgary or Ottawa, you might see prices that are more affordable compared to downtown Toronto or Vancouver. It’s always smart to research the local market or consult with a real estate professional to get the most accurate average price per square foot for your desired location.

What is a good price per square foot?

Finding a good price per square foot depends a lot on where you are. In major cities like Toronto or Vancouver, you might be looking at higher prices due to demand. A decent benchmark is to compare recent sales in the area you’re interested in. Generally, a good price is one that fits within your budget and reflects the value of the property.

How big is a square foot?

A square foot is a unit of area measurement, equal to a square that is one foot on each side. To visualize, it’s roughly the size of a standard piece of paper or a small bathroom tile. In real estate, it’s commonly used to measure the area of homes or apartments, giving you an idea of how much space you’re getting for your money.

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