
Smart tech built by accountants, for accountants

As accountants and advisors are called on to help their clients grow - Swoop will work with you to discover the right funding solutions across debt, equity and grants, identify and easily make savings, making you indispensable to your clients.


Access loans, equity, grants, savings & more

  • Over 100 mainstream banks & alternative lending providers
  • Save on utilities, FX, broadband, insurance & more thanks to open banking


Strengthen your offering with extensive CPD-accredited funding knowledge

  • Education & support modules help you keep abreast of an ever-changing market
  • Generate Capital Reports to highlight a business’ credit health and eligibility for loans or grants


Match your clients with tailored funding in minutes, fully supported by experienced funding professionals

  • Intuitive tech helps you save hours on form-filling and document uploading
  • Be guided by our expert team of ex-underwriters, accountants, and equity analysts

How it works

By partnering with Swoop you’ll have

Simple and fast access to funding and savings for your clients

Access to finance opportunities across the market

Tracking of your clients’ progress via our online portal

A team of experts to manage you and your clients’ applications from beginning to end

Ability to easily present your client with relevant matches

Access to a CPD-accredited education platform to help you spot opportunities in the funding landscape


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