How Can Accountants Assist their Clients with Investors?

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      Business owners often prefer to have investors. It’s one way of funding a business by providing shares to interested individuals apart from the founders. However, not all investors are fond of owners who don’t even know their numbers. Yes, this can happen, so this is where accountants can come through.  So, how can you help when your clients are not so on top of their financial status?

      Assess and guide them with their business metrics

      In a business, it’s important to keep track of its metrics at all times. It’s easy to forgo this and just work on it when there’s a dire need, but this can’t be pushed around from your clients’ priorities if they want a seamless interaction with potential investors.

      Each business has its metric system. Usually, it covers the company’s revenues, gross and net margins, customer metrics, and the like.

      As the designated accountant, guide your clients on how they should manage this. An organized system can help greatly with letting them understand it fully. Then, encourage consistency in tracking everything. With this, investors can check out any information they want before they start investing.

      Communicate finance-related matters consistently

      Set a time for when you and your clients can sit down and discuss their finances. By “consistently”, this may differ from client to client, but just make sure that you see each other monthly or ever quarterly. Here, communicate what needs to be addressed.

      When the finances are tracked well, this becomes attractive to investors knowing that the company they’re investing in is transparent, responsible, and on track with their data.

      Give out reports so that your clients will always be visible to their investors, allowing their businesses to possibly widen their reach. Investors have a lot of networks, so take advantage of this.

      Help them create a balanced system with business effort in mind

      If you want your clients to give out data consistently and have them be familiar with their numbers, it wouldn’t be efficient if they will manage the nitty-gritty of everything. Hence, create a balanced system where they can delegate tasks evenly.

      While founders should know how their numbers and processes work, they also have to think of other essential matters for their businesses to flourish further. So, discuss with them how the team can create a management system that can work on its own.

      While creating a system, be transparent to the investors, but keep this a priority. It’s how you can keep everything efficient and simple.

      Simple and easy to follow, these are some tips you’re probably already familiar with. If you’re an accountant with clients who need help with their finances or need to tap on to an investor circle, reach out to the Swoop team. Swoop can help connect your clients to investors across VCs, family offices and crowdfunders.  

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