Swoop – supporting the financial health of our businesses

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      We’re all facing challenging and difficult times now. 

      So, as part of our Swoop community we want ensure you’re fully informed about how you can remain financially buoyant throughout this crisis – and reassure you that you’re part of a community where we’re all facing the same issues and concerns. 

      We’ve set up a Swoop Coronavirus hotline to help with any advice you may need on the financial support and funding that’s out there, and how to access it. 

      Swoop Coronavirus hotline 0203 868 0364 (Mon-Fri 8am-6pm)

      We’re keen to keep you informed as any relevant news breaks which is likely to impact your business. So please make sure you keep tuned in with us via our social channels, where we’ll also be sharing our opinions and raising discussions around this ever-evolving situation.





      We’ll also be announcing free webinars to ensure you’re as fully up to date as you can be on the various financial options you have as a business owner – so please keep in touch. 

      There were a number of announcements in the Budget to support businesses facing uncertainty due to Coronavirus, and the Bank of England also announced how it would support finance to continue to flow to businesses. But it’s not straightforward and we’re getting numerous calls from businesses needing more information. Some of the top ones questions are:

      • How do we access the promised £1bn of business support the government has announced?
      • Does my business qualify for the £3k Coronavirus grant?
      • Where do I find this ‘Coronavirus loan’ the government announced?
      • How can I unlock immediate cash in my business, without borrowing?

      We’re here to answer all your questions and provide you with the means to access cash quickly and efficiently. 

      At Swoop we’re open and operating as usual – albeit from our homes when necessary – and here to help and guide you through this constantly changing times. 

      Website: www.swoopfunding.com

      Coronavirus hotline: 0203 868 0364

      Email: hello@swoopfunding.com

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