Standard Business Sponsorship (SBS)

Page written by AI. Reviewed internally on April 19, 2024.


Standard Business Sponsorship (SBS) allows businesses to sponsor skilled workers from overseas to work temporarily or permanently in Australia. 

What is a Standard Business Sponsorship?

The Standard Business Sponsorship program enables Australian businesses to address skill shortages by sponsoring skilled workers from overseas. It allows businesses to fill critical positions with qualified and experienced workers with the necessary skills and expertise.

To qualify for Standard Business Sponsorship, businesses must meet certain eligibility criteria. This includes being lawfully operating and actively engaged in business activities, demonstrating a commitment to training and employing Australian workers, and having no harmful business history.

As part of the SBS application process, businesses must nominate the positions they wish to fill with overseas workers. This involves providing detailed information about the nominated role, including the tasks and responsibilities involved, the qualifications and experience required, and the salary offered.

The Department of Home Affairs monitors businesses granted a Standard Business Sponsorship to ensure compliance with sponsorship obligations and visa conditions. Non-compliance can result in sanctions, including cancellation of sponsorship and visa, and financial penalties.

Example of a Standard Business Sponsorship

ABC Engineering Pty Ltd secures a Standard Business Sponsorship to address its need for skilled mechanical engineers for a large-scale infrastructure project. After ensuring compliance with eligibility criteria, ABC Engineering submits nominations for skilled mechanical engineer positions.

With a Standard Business Sponsorship in place, ABC Engineering assists the selected candidates in navigating the visa application process. Once the visa approvals are secured, the sponsored overseas workers join ABC Engineering’s team and commence their roles in the infrastructure project. 

By using a Standard Business Sponsorship, ABC Engineering strengthens its workforce capabilities, accesses specialised talent from overseas, and successfully executes the infrastructure project.

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