F45 Training – Tasmania Casestudy

F45 Training – Tasmania Casestudy

The Challenge

F45 Franchisee Laree Smith was exploring alternate refinancing options for her business in Cambridge, Tasmania. However, being a business owner, Laree was hard pressed to invest the amount of time required in researching and comparing refinancing options in order to find the most effective lending solution for her business. The rates which had been proposed to her by several external banks and other financing providers were less than optimal.

The Solution

Laree was in attendance at an educational webinar organised by Swoop and F45 detailing how the Swoop platform can assist franchisees to secure competitively rated loans to launch and scale their businesses. Laree soon got in touch with the Swoop team, who acquainted themselves with her situation and as a result were able to match her with several alternative financing options. Once Laree had chosen which option would match her needs best, the Swoop team assisted on her application and submitted it to the provider.

The Results

Laree Smith’s application for refinancing was successful. Through working with Swoop, Laree was introduced to several alternate lenders whom she had not considered previously. As a result, Laree has been able to fund her business by gaining access to a financing solution that out matched the big banks both in terms of rates and turnaround time, allowing Laree to get back to running her business.

Client Testimonial

Swoop was amazing! I was looking for refinancing and they were straight onto finding me the best possible option. I would highly recommend them.”

Laree Smith – Owner, F45 Cambridge, Australia.

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