Grants newsletter: growth, sustainability and jobs in manufacturing – your latest grants news

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      Canada’s wildfires have made international headlines this month. In this newsletter, you’ll find a grant to help your business reduce carbon emissions, as well as promote technology, manufacturing and growth:

      • Green Industrial Facilities and Manufacturing Program
      • Technology Investment Program CME
      • BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund
      • Grow Ontario Market Initiative 

      Further details and links to applications below – happy reading!


      The usual disclaimer: Swoop Funding does not review or fund these grant applications.

      Green Industrial Facilities and Manufacturing Program

      Under the Industrial Facility track, eligible projects include those that support the implementation of energy efficiency and energy management solutions. 

      These activities are intended for industrial facilities that are engaged in energy consuming processes that involve the physical or chemical transformation of materials or substances into new products.

      Eligible recipients under the Industrial Facility track are Canadian facilities in any industrial sector that are engaged in energy consuming processes that involve the physical or chemical transformation of materials or substances into new products, regardless of the size of the facilities. The maximum amount of NRCan funding that can be requested under Track 2 is $10 million.

      Closing date: Monday 31 July 2023 11:59pm

      Technology Investment Program CME

      Ontario manufacturers remain slow adopters of advanced manufacturing technology such as robotics, artificial intelligence, advanced networks and the Internet of Things. The Technology Investment Program seeks to reverse a 14.8 percent fall in machinery and equipment (M&E) investment in Ontario.

      The program provides direct financial assistance to SME manufacturers in southern Ontario in the form of a matching contribution of up to $50,000 (a maximum of 50% of eligible costs, which can include capital equipment, materials, training on new equipment, installation of new equipment, professional service fees, as well as a company’s direct labour devoted to the completion and management of the project) to support the investment in long-term production.

      Closing date: Monday 15 January 2024 11:59pm 

      BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund

      The BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund (MJF) is a $180 million fund to help manufacturing companies modernize, innovate, and grow by providing funding for capital projects in all regions in B.C., particularly in communities affected by economic impacts or downturns.

      The aims of the fund include investment in high-value, high-growth manufacturing sectors, contribute to clean, inclusive growth and economic resilience and diversification, particularly in regional and Indigenous communities. 

      Closing date: Until all funds are allocated. 

      Grow Ontario Market Initiative

      The Grow Ontario Market Initiative is a $6 million fund that targets primary producers, processors and industry organizations to find and develop domestic or export market opportunities.

      You may use the funding to grow your business through:

      • marketing analysis and planning
      • new product development
      • marketing activities

      Closing date: Until all funds are allocated. 

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