Access to Information Act

Page written by AI. Reviewed internally on April 3, 2024.


The Access to Information Act is a federal law in Canada that provides individuals and organizations present in Canada with the right to access records held by government institutions. 

What is the Access to Information Act?

Under the Act, individuals and organizatiosn have the right to request access to records under the control of government institutions. This includes records in the form of documents, emails, reports, and other materials. They can request information on government policies, decisions, programs, and activities, as well as personal information held by government institutions.

The Act establishes procedures for requesting access to information, including requirements for submitting requests, processing timelines, and fees. Government institutions are required to respond to access requests within specific timeframes and provide access to requested records, but there are certain limitations.

While the Access to Information Act promotes transparency, it also includes provisions to protect sensitive information and national interests. Certain types of information, such as national security, law enforcement, and confidential commercial information, may be exempt from disclosure under the Act.

Example of Access to Information Act

John, a Canadian citizen, is interested in understanding how a specific government department allocates its budget for environmental initiatives. He submits an access to information request to the department, asking for records related to the budget allocations. The department is required to respond to John’s request within 30 days and provide him with access to the requested records. After reviewing the records, John gains insight into the department’s spending on environmental programs and can use this information to advocate for greater transparency and accountability in government spending.

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