Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada

Page written by AI. Reviewed internally on April 3, 2024.


The Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) is the national organization representing the Canadian accounting profession. 

What is the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada?

CPA Canada serves as the national voice for over 200,000 professional accountants across the country, and establishes and maintains professional standards for the accounting profession in Canada. This includes developing and updating accounting and auditing standards, ethical guidelines, and best practices to ensure consistency and quality in financial reporting and services.

CPA Canada represents the interests of the accounting profession to government, regulators, standard-setting bodies, and other stakeholders. It advocates for policies and regulations that promote transparency, accountability, and integrity in financial reporting and business practices, while also supporting initiatives to strengthen Canada’s economy and business environment.

Furthermore, CPA Canada conducts research and publishes thought leadership on various topics relevant to the accounting profession and the broader business community. This includes research reports, publications, and resources on accounting standards, taxation, financial literacy, sustainability, and other emerging issues.

Lastly, CPA Canada offers professional development programs, seminars, conferences, and networking events to support the ongoing learning and professional growth of CPAs across Canada. These activities provide opportunities for CPAs to enhance their skills, knowledge, and professional networks.

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