The Nuans Name Search Report is a specialized document used in Canada to verify the availability and uniqueness of a proposed corporate or business name.
What is a Nuans Name Search Report?
“NUANS” stands for “New Upgraded Automated Name Search,” and the report is generated through the NUANS system, which is administered by Corporations Canada. Obtaining a Nuans Name Search Report is a legal requirement for incorporating a federal corporation or registering a business name in certain provinces and territories.
The Nuans system conducts a comprehensive search of existing corporate and business names registered across Canada, including federal, provincial, and territorial databases. It identifies names that are identical or similar to the proposed name, as well as names that may be confusingly similar based on specific criteria. The report also indicates whether the proposed name is available for use or if modifications are required to make it unique.
The report is typically valid for a limited period, ranging from 90 days to 180 days, depending on the jurisdiction and specific requirements. During this validity period, the proposed name can be reserved or used for the purpose of incorporating a corporation or registering a business.
In some cases, the Nuans Name Search Report may be used to reserve a proposed name for a specified period, allowing the applicant time to complete the incorporation or registration process. Name reservations are subject to additional fees and requirements set by the relevant jurisdiction.
Example of Nuans Name Search Report
Nuans Name Search Report
Proposed name: ABC Consulting Inc.
Search results:
- ABC Consulting Services Inc. – Ontario
- ABC Consulting Group Ltd. – Alberta
- ABC Consulting Solutions Inc. – British Columbia
Conclusion: The proposed name “ABC Consulting Inc.” is not available as it is similar to existing names found in Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia.