Australian Business Register (ABR)

Page written by AI. Reviewed internally on April 18, 2024.


The Australian Business Register (ABR) is a central database maintained by the Australian Government that stores essential information about businesses operating in Australia. 

What is the Australian Business Register?

The Australian Business Register serves as a comprehensive registry of businesses, providing a single point of access for various government agencies, individuals, and organisations to verify and obtain information about businesses registered in Australia. Businesses are required to register with the ABR to obtain an Australian Business Number (ABN).

The ABR contains a wide range of information about registered businesses, including their legal name, trading name, business structure, contact details, ABN status, and registration details. This information is regularly updated to ensure accuracy and reliability.

The ABR is accessible to the public, allowing individuals, businesses, and government agencies to search for and verify the details of registered businesses. This accessibility promotes transparency and facilitates business transactions and interactions within Australia.

Government agencies use the ABR to monitor compliance with regulatory requirements, such as taxation, business registration, and reporting obligations. By maintaining accurate and up-to-date information, the ABR helps ensure compliance and regulatory transparency.

Lastly, the ABR provides valuable information and resources to businesses, including guidance on registration processes, compliance requirements, and access to government services and programs.

Example of the Australian Business Register

John Smith decides to start a small landscaping business called “GreenThumb Landscapes” in Australia. To formalise his business, John registers with the Australian Business Register (ABR) and obtains an Australian Business Number (ABN) for GreenThumb Landscapes.

Business name: GreenThumb Landscapes

ABN: 12345678901

Business structure: Sole trader

Registered address: 123 Main Street

Contact number: 555-123-4567

This entry in the ABR provides essential information about John’s landscaping business, including its legal name, ABN, business structure, address, and contact details. This information is accessible to the public and government agencies, facilitating business transactions and compliance monitoring.

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