Business loans for a food truck

Think of street food and you think of delicious dishes served for immediate consumption with just the sky above your head.

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Fast-food served outdoors is big business and king of the street food industry is the food truck – a mobile kitchen selling everything from fish and chips, to BBQ, tacos, wraps, rice bowls, curries, smoothies and empanadas. However, launching a food truck can be expensive and even well-established operators can suffer from seasonal low points or when the weather turns to rain or snow. Securing adequate funding for your food truck is therefore key to long-term success. Read on to find out more about food truck finance and how it can keep your mobile fast-food business firmly on the road.

Why are mobile food trucks becoming popular business choices?

Food trucks are a common sight in many US cities, but until recently, they were a rarity in Australia, with menus limited to basic foods such as hamburgers, ice creams, and hot dogs. However, an explosion in take-away food before, during and after the Covid-19 pandemic has seen a boom in food trucks on the streets and now they offer food from every corner of the globe. Popular with sports fans, events and concert goers, as well as office workers and Australia’s many tourists, food trucks can be very profitable businesses, benefiting from low overhead, an ability to go wherever the customers are, and able to change their food offerings to suit consumer tastes with minimal cost and disruption. 

Today there are more than 5000 food trucks operating in Australia and the mobile street food industry is experiencing growth every year, making food trucks one of the most successful sectors of the hospitality trade.

How much does it cost to start a food truck?

The cost to start a food truck varies widely depending on several factors, such as location, the type of food being served, and the specific needs of the business. On average, starting a food truck can cost anywhere from $50,000 to $150,000. This includes the cost of purchasing and furnishing the truck, which can range from $30,000 to $100,000, depending on whether the truck is new or used and the extent of the customisations needed.

Additional expenses include permits and licenses, insurance, initial inventory and supplies, marketing, and possibly the hiring of staff. Maintenance and unexpected repairs also contribute to the overall costs, as food trucks require regular checks to remain operational and meet health and safety standards. Fuel costs and parking fees are ongoing expenses that can add up over time.

What types of loans are available for food trucks?

Whether you wish to buy an existing food truck business, start from scratch with a new or used van, pay for equipment, cover day to day expenses, or pay franchise, registration or other startup costs, there’s a loan for every food truck owner and entrepreneur.

Personal Loans

Popular with newcomers to the food truck industry and established food truck owners who wish to borrow money without incurring debt on their business, personal loans can often be obtained quickly and with less demand for paperwork than commercial funding. Your personal credit and finances will be key to securing the funds you need. Personal loans are usually more expensive and the sums of cash available smaller than may be obtained with most business loans.

Typical personal loans:

  • Personal term loan: A fixed sum borrowed over a fixed term. Security may be required.
  • Personal credit cards: Easy to access but may have high interest rates and fees (especially for a cash advance). No security required.
  • Crowd funding: Raise cash in small sums from a large group of donors via specialist websites. These funds are not a loan, they are a gift/investment that you do not have to pay back as long as you spend the cash on whatever you said you would. A creative and eye-catching presentation is necessary to succeed with crowd-funding. It also helps to have a large database of contacts or followers to present your idea to at the outset. No security is required.

Small business loans

Commercial finance for small businesses comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. Borrow from as little as $1000 up to $5million. This type of finance is typically more economic and with better terms and conditions than personal loans. 

Common small business loans:

  • Business term loan: A fixed sum repaid over a fixed term. Security may be required.
  • Merchant cash advance: Borrow against your credit/debit card receipts. The higher your card sales are, the more cash you may borrow. In many cases, no additional security is required.
  • Startup loans: Valuable seed cash to get your food truck on the road. Government funds may be available for this purpose. Security may be required.
  • Franchise finance: Cover the joining fee and startup costs of a franchised food truck business. Security may be required.

Finance lease

If you wish to buy a new or used van to convert into a food truck, a finance lease will help you secure the vehicle you need with a lower deposit and lower monthly payments than a standard hire purchase agreement. You have the right to buy the vehicle outright at the end of the contract period for a pre-agreed sum. May include an excess mileage surcharge. Additional security not required.

Business line of credit

Also called a revolving line of credit, this type of business lending functions like a standard bank overdraft but is provided by an independent lender. Dip into the facility to borrow cash on an ‘as-needed’ basis. Borrow up to a pre-agreed maximum, then as you pay funds back, you can borrow them again and again during the term of the agreement. Ideal for working capital, or to cover sudden and unplanned expenses. (Such as your food truck needing emergency repairs). Security may be required.

Equipment loans

Fitting out a food truck with cooking and food storage equipment can be expensive. Plus, you may need extra freezers, refrigerators and food processing machinery back at base. Use a finance lease, or asset-finance to buy this equipment over time. Pay for the machinery as you use it to make money for your business. In most cases, no additional security is required.


Microloans have relatively short repayment periods, offer small loan amounts and little or no security is required. Available from peer-to-peer lending websites, or from specialist small loan providers, (such as pay day lenders), microloans are typically more expensive than other forms of borrowing. 

What do I need to get a loan for my food truck?

Preparation is key. No matter if you are seeking funds to buy a food truck, cover everyday expenses, or pay your tax bill, the lender will need full business details, and in many cases, a detailed business plan. Additional to these core requirements, most lenders will also seek some, or all, of the following information:

  • Most recent three-years bank and tax records. (Business account if you are an established food truck owner, personal account for entrepreneurs launching their first food truck business).
  • Cashflow forecast.
  • Profit and Loss Statement and recent Balance Sheet. (Established food truck businesses).
  • Details of any existing debt.
  • List of any major customers and suppliers.
  • List of any assets, such as property or inventory.

Industry experience

Although many lenders to the hospitality trade prefer to work with seasoned food truck operators, a lack of previous experience in the industry may not be a hurdle for newcomers if their business plan, financial projections and available security are strong enough. 

Business plan

After hard collateral as security, your business plan is the most important element of any loan application. Lenders will be seeking solid information. This includes accurate financial forecasts, a feasible marketing schedule, details of partners and co-directors, and an exit strategy that reveals the long-term goal of the business. Borrowers who may struggle to assemble this document are advised to seek the services of a hospitality business-development professional before applying. 


Apart from startup loans and some working capital finance, such as merchant cash advances, there are few food truck loans that do not require a deposit (security) from the borrower. This may be provided as a cash input, or in the form of collateral, such as property and hard assets. The deposit sum will vary depending on the type of loan provided and the borrower’s financial situation.

Personal finances

Some lenders may ask for a personal guarantee by the business owners or directors to secure the loan. If they do, they will check their personal finances and credit scores. The stronger they are, the better. Don’t get caught out by an error on your credit report, always check your business and personal credit scores before you apply. 

How to find the right loan for your food truck

Funding for food trucks is a niche financial area, with differing rules of application. Entrepreneurs and food truck owners seeking this type of funding may find themselves forever searching and making applications to lender after lender.

The delays this can create could cause you to lose business and leave your food truck vulnerable to the competition. Instead, working with a broker, who can access food truck loans from a wide range of lenders is a better way to go. No more cold calls and endless demands for information. Even if you’ve been turned down elsewhere or have bad credit, simply tell us what you need and leave the rest to us. 

Is financing a food truck a good idea?

Financing a food truck can be a good idea, but it depends on your financial situation and business plan.

It allows you to spread out the initial costs, making it more manageable to start your business without needing a large amount of capital upfront. This can help protect your cash flow for other key expenses, such as inventory, permits, and marketing. However, it also means taking on debt and committing to monthly payments, which can impact your profitability and financial stability if the business does not perform as expected.

It’s important to carefully assess your estimated revenue, costs, and ability to repay the loan before deciding if financing is the right choice for your food truck business.

Get started with Swoop

Don’t get left behind in Australia’s food truck craze. Register with Swoop to find the best rates, the best terms and the best loans for your food truck business. 

Written by

Chris Godfrey

Chris is a freelance copywriter and content creator. He has been active in the marketing, advertising, and publishing industries for more than twenty-five years. Writing for Barclays Bank, Metro Bank, Wells Fargo, ABN Amro, Quidco, Legal and General, Inshur Zego, AIG, Met Life, State Farm, Direct Line, insurers and pension funds, his words have appeared online and in print to inform, entertain and explain the complex world of consumer and business finance and insurance.

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