Australian Registered Scheme Number (ARSN)

Page written by AI. Reviewed internally on April 18, 2024.


The Australian Registered Scheme Number (ARSN) is a unique identifier assigned to managed investment schemes registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission

What is an Australian Registered Scheme Number?

The ARSN serves as a unique identifier for managed investment schemes registered in Australia. It separates these schemes from other types of investment and is used for various administrative and regulatory purposes. It is a seven-digit number used for identification and administrative purposes.

Managed investment schemes seeking to operate in Australia are required to register with ASIC and get an ARSN. This registration process involves providing details about the structure, investment strategy, responsible organisations, and compliance arrangements of the scheme.

The ARSN must be included in all public documents, including offer documents, product disclosure statements, and financial reports. Failure to include the ARSN on these documents may result in penalties or non-compliance with regulatory requirements.

Once assigned, the ARSN remains with the managed investment scheme throughout its operation in Australia, regardless of changes in ownership, management, or structure. It provides a consistent identifier for the scheme, facilitating continuity and record-keeping.

The ARSN is publicly accessible through ASIC’s registers, allowing investors, financial advisers, and other stakeholders to search for and verify information about registered managed investment schemes. This transparency promotes trust and confidence in the managed investment sector.

Example of an Australian Registered Scheme Number

ABC Growth Fund, a managed investment scheme focusing on Australian equities, recently registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. As part of the registration process, ABC Growth Fund was assigned an Australian Registered Scheme Number. The ARSN for ABC Growth Fund is 1234567.

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