Fortune 100

Page written by AI. Reviewed internally on May 14, 2024.

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The Fortune 100 is a prestigious annual ranking published by Fortune magazine that lists the top 100 companies in the United States based on their total revenue for the most recent fiscal year. 

What is Fortune 100?

The Fortune 100 ranking is based on companies’ total revenue, which is typically defined as their gross income before deductions for expenses, taxes, interest, and depreciation. Companies are ranked according to their total revenue for the most recent fiscal year, with the highest revenue earners listed at the top of the ranking.

To be eligible for inclusion in the Fortune 100, companies must meet certain criteria, including being incorporated and operating in the U.S, having publicly available financial information, and meeting minimum revenue thresholds. Companies that do not meet these criteria or do not disclose their financial information are not considered for inclusion in the ranking.

Inclusion in the Fortune 100 is highly prestigious, as it signifies a company’s status as one of the largest and most financially successful businesses in the country. Being ranked among the Fortune 100 can enhance a company’s reputation, attract investors, and provide a benchmark for measuring its performance.

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