Better Business Bureau (BBB) 

Page written by AI. Reviewed internally on May 7, 2024.


The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is a nonprofit organisation that aims to promote trust and transparency between businesses and consumers in the marketplace. 

What is the Better Business Bureau?

The BBB operates independently in North America, with local offices across the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The BBB’s mission is to be the leader in advancing marketplace trust. Some of its other functions include:

  • Providing business profiles: The BBB holds Business Profiles for millions of businesses, including company history, contact details, reviews, and complaints.
  • Accreditation: Businesses can apply for BBB accreditation. Accredited businesses are recognised for their commitment to ethical business practices.
  • Complaint resolution: The BBB mediates between consumers and businesses to resolve conflicts and complaints through its complaint handling process.
  • Consumer education: The BBB provides resources and educational materials to help consumers make informed decisions when purchasing goods and services. 
  • Business education: The BBB offers resources and training programs to help businesses improve their practices, build consumers trust, and comply with ethical standards.

The BBB assigns ratings to businesses based on various factors, including the number and nature of consumer complaints, government actions against the business, and the business’s responsiveness to complaints. Ratings range from A+ (highest) to F (lowest), reflecting the BBB’s assessment of a business’s trustworthiness and reliability. These ratings and complaint data are publicly available on BBB’s website.

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