Brewers Association

Page written by AI. Reviewed internally on May 27, 2024.


The Brewers Association (BA) is a trade organization based in the U.S that represents the interests of small and independent American craft brewers

What is the Brewers Association?

The BA is dedicated to promoting and protecting the craft brewing industry and the culture of small-scale, traditional brewing. It serves as a voice for craft brewers in legislative and regulatory matters, encouraging policies that support the growth and success of small and independent breweries. This involves engaging in campaigns at the federal, state, and local level to influence alcohol laws and regulations.

The BA also provides educational resources, tools, and best practices to help craft brewers succeed in all aspects of their business, from brewing techniques and quality standards to marketing, sales, and distribution strategies. This includes hosting seminars, workshops, and webinars, as well as publishing industry data and research reports.

Additionally, the BA offers certification programs such as the independent craft brewer seal, which allows breweries to mark themselves as small and independent producers of craft beer. The seal helps consumers identify authentic craft beers and support independent brewers.

The BA focus on a sense of community and collaboration among craft brewers through networking opportunities, peer support, and information sharing. This includes encouraging communication and collaboration between breweries, suppliers, distributors, and other industry stakeholders.

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