Farm Service Agency (FSA)

Page written by AI. Reviewed internally on May 27, 2024.


The Farm Service Agency (FSA) is a part of the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) which implements agricultural policy, administers credit and loan programs, manages conservation initiatives, and provides disaster relief to American farmers. 

What is the Farm Service Agency?

The FSA plays a key role in stabilizing farm income, helping farmers conserve land and water resources, providing credit to new and existing farmers, and ensuring a dependable food supply. 

Key functions of the FSA include:

  • Farm loans: FSA offers direct and guaranteed loans to family farmers to promote farm ownership and operating needs. These loans help farmers purchase land, livestock, equipment, feed, seed, and supplies. They also assist with farm improvements, including water management and soil conservation.
  • Disaster assistance: The agency provides financial assistance to farmers affected by natural disasters such as droughts, floods, hurricanes, and other calamities.
  • Conservation programs: FSA supports various conservation efforts through programs, which pays farmers to convert highly vulnerable cropland or other environmentally sensitive areas to vegetative cover, improving water quality and habitats for wildlife.
  • Commodity programs: The agency administers programs that stabilize, support, and protect farm income and prices, including price support loans and marketing assistance loans.

Example of the Farm Service Agency

Amelia, a young farmer in a Midwest community, faces a sudden invasion of pests that destroys her wheat crop. Desperate for assistance, she seeks help from the Farm Service Agency. The FSA quickly assesses the situation and provides Amelia with emergency grants to purchase pest-resistant seeds and implement pest control measures.

With the FSA’s support, Amelia successfully manages the pest infestation. This example highlights how the Farm Service Agency assists farmers like Amelia in overcoming unexpected challenges.

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