Internal Revenue Code (IRC)

Page written by AI. Reviewed internally on June 24, 2024.


The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) is a comprehensive body of federal tax laws and regulations that govern the administration and enforcement of the United States federal tax system. 

What is the Internal Revenue Code?

The IRC serves as the primary source of tax law in the United States and provides the legal framework for assessing, collecting, and enforcing federal taxes imposed on individuals, businesses, estates, and trusts. 

The Internal Revenue Code covers a wide range of tax-related topics, including:

  • Determination of taxable income and deductions for individuals, corporations, partnerships, and other entities.
  • Imposition of income taxes on various types of income, such as wages, salaries, interest, dividends, capital gains, and business profits.
  • Calculation of tax liabilities, tax rates, and tax credits applicable to different taxpayers based on their income, filing status, and other factors.
  • Reporting and filing requirements for tax returns, information returns, and other tax-related forms required by the IRS.
  • Provisions related to tax administration, enforcement, penalties, and remedies for non-compliance with tax laws.

The Internal Revenue Code is subject to frequent amendments and updates through legislation passed by Congress, as well as regulations issued by the Department of the Treasury and administrative guidance provided by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Changes to the tax code may result from tax reform initiatives, economic stimulus measures, regulatory changes, and other factors affecting federal tax policy.

Furthermore, the Internal Revenue Code has a significant impact on individuals, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole by influencing economic behavior, investment decisions, financial planning, and government revenue. Understanding and complying with the tax code are essential for taxpayers to fulfill their tax obligations, minimize their tax liabilities, and avoid penalties and sanctions for non-compliance.

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