National Association of Convenience Stores

Page written by AI. Reviewed internally on May 28, 2024.


The National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) is a leading trade association in the U.S, representing the convenience and fuel retailing industry.

What is the National Association of Convenience Stores?

NACS supports the interests of convenience store operators, petroleum marketers, and their suppliers. The association plays a key role in promoting the growth, profitability, and sustainability of the convenience and fuel retailing sector.

NACS actively engages in efforts to influence public policy and regulatory matters that impact the convenience and fuel retailing industry. The association represents its members’ interests at the federal, state, and local levels, addressing issues such as taxation, labor laws, environmental regulations, and product standards.

Furthermore, NACS provides a wide range of educational resources and training programs for industry professionals. These include seminars, webinars, workshops, and certification courses designed to improve business operations and customer service, and keep members informed about industry trends and best practices.

NACS also conducts and publishes research on various aspects of the convenience and fuel retailing industry. This research includes market trends, consumer behavior, benchmarks, and financial performance. The insights gained from this research help members make informed business decisions and stay competitive.

Lastly, NACS promotes industry standards and best practices to ensure high levels of service, safety, and operational efficiency. It provides guidelines and resources on topics such as store design, merchandising, food safety, and technology integration to help members improve their business operations.

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