Our Engineering Core Values

Updated: November 29, 2023 at 12:03 pm

At Swoop, we are proud and passionate about engineering software products that deliver value to our customers. We strongly believe that solutions to problems are the natural outcome of following a well-defined process. Swoop has curated a set of values that reflect what we practice day-to-day work. It is not the only value that will stay for a foreseeable future but we are aware that some of them can change/can be added as per necessity.

 Swoop Engineering Values

  • Learn and Grow
  • No Single Point of Failure
  • Feedback Loop
  • Opinion Matters as does the fact
  • Team, Product, Customer relationships

Learn and Grow

As with any technology development, mistakes are inevitable. In spite of having solid quality gates, some bugs may slip through and break things which could bring down the application and cause downtime.  At Swoop, we acknowledge it, get it working, learn from the mistake and move on. 

“We believe in the growth mindset as opposed to the goal mindset.”

No single point of failure

Just like our distributed infrastructure, Swoop spreads the knowledge across the team. Individuals aim to avoid being a bottleneck and non-replaceable. We often learn, share and repeat. Any new tools or the technology that is implemented or in a SPIKE zone, we regroup on a weekly cadence to do a technical showcase. All of the showcases are well documented for our future engineers reference.

Feedback loop

In Swoop’s tech operations, we consistently feedback the issue before the release to the operations and engineering team. We keep momentum by shipping the minimum marketable value often in our bi-weekly scrum. This can be a feature or a milestone or even the bugs.

Similarly, anything to do with an individual/team in terms of work, we always give feedback and voice concerns. Consistency is a key to success.

Opinion matters as does the fact

We are all entitled to our personal opinion; as a team we stick to actual facts considering time and cost for a product release.  Technical arguments and discussion can easily consume a lot of energy and time. We make progressive steps to address most of the agreed opinions and sometimes we disagree and commit to move forward.

Team, Product, Customers relationships

Swoop is a people-first company and invests in building a healthy team which builds great products that add value to our customers. Along with a set of standard perks, WSwop provides a platform and opportunity for employees to reflect and focus on their self development and career growth by providing an unbiased engineering progression framework, complete collaboration and contribution in a product life cycle and much more.

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