Should you borrow to grow your business? Swoop’s five-point checklist will help you decide

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    Page written by Ian Hawkins. Last reviewed on February 3, 2025. Next review due July 1, 2026.

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      Everyone will tell you to borrow for your business, but is it the right strategy?

      There are thousands of financial products on the market – from credit cards to commercial mortgages – and businesses make their money when you borrow. 

      But should you be borrowing in the first place?

      Unlike personal borrowing, business borrowing should be considered an investment that will have a positive return. For example, a new vehicle may be cheaper to run, project a more professional image or expand your existing fleet, meaning you can serve more customers. 

      Swoop’s five-point checklist is designed to help you decide whether borrowing is right for your business.

      Question 1: Is there a specific, clearly defined business need for the borrowed funds?

      • No: Reevaluate the need. Borrowing for unclear or non-essential purposes is generally unwise as you will be making repayments long after the funds have been used.
      • Yes: Proceed to Question 2.

      Question 2: Can this need be met with existing funds (savings, retained earnings, etc.)?

      • Yes: Consider using existing funds to avoid incurring debt – though make contingencies for unexpected expenses and ensure you maintain a buffer to protect you against dips in income. 
      • No: Proceed to Question 3.

      Question 3: Does the potential return on investment (ROI) from the borrowed funds outweigh the cost of borrowing (interest rates, fees)?

      • No: Reassess the investment opportunity or seek alternative funding sources, such as grant funding.
      • Yes: Proceed to Question 4.

      Question 4: Is the business financially stable and capable of handling the additional debt burden?

      • No: Consider strengthening the business’s financial position before borrowing. Getting the timing right can make a big difference to your outcome.
      • Yes: Proceed to Question 5.

      Question 5: Has a thorough financial plan been created to manage the loan repayment and its impact on the business?

      • No: Develop a detailed financial plan to ensure responsible borrowing.
      • Yes: Proceed to the decision.


      • If the answers to all previous questions are “Yes,” borrowing money may be a viable strategy to grow the business.
      • If any answer is “No,” reconsider the need for borrowing or explore alternative funding options.

      If you’ve got to “yes”:

      If borrowing is right for you, make sure you evaluate the risks associated with the proposed investment and the potential impact on the business’s overall financial health.

      Remember that being turned down for a loan can impact your credit score, which will make borrowing more difficult and expensive in future. Building an application with help from a financial advisor or accountant will give you a greater chance of a positive result. 

      You should also consider diversifying your funding sources as this will reduce your reliance on debt. Above all, weigh the pros and cons carefully and make an informed choice that aligns with your business goals.

      Swoop can help: our aim is to help our customers grow their business in the right way, at the right time. We help SMEs access funding of all kinds, make it easy to compare rates and save money on must-have products including energy and insurance. Make sure you’re signed up here

      Three borrowing products that might be right for your business

      Borrowing doesn’t just mean a loan from the bank. Here are three innovative borrowing products that may suit your needs better: 

      Start-up Loans

      These are the best-value loans on the market for businesses in their early stages. Find out more about startup loans here.

      Merchant Cash Advance (MCA)

      If you use a credit card terminal and unpredictable income, this could be ideal for you. Funds are borrowed at a set fee and you pay back the capital as a fixed percentage of each sale.
      Find out more about merchant cash advances here. 

      R&D Tax Credits

      If you’re conducting any activities that fall under the categories of research and development, you could maximize your funding with the R&D tax credits.
      Find out more about R&D tax credits here.

      To explore all of the options available to your business, create a free account today.

      Like what you see? Share with a friend.

      Written by

      Ian Hawkins

      Ian Hawkins is Head of Content at Swoop. As a freelance business journalist and filmmaker he has reported from Europe, Central and North America and Africa. His films and writing have appeared on BBC World, Reuters and CBS, and he has spoken at conferences on both sides of the Atlantic on subjects including data, cyber security, and entrepreneurialism.

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      At Swoop we want to make it easy for SMEs to understand the sometimes overwhelming world of business finance and insurance. Our goal is simple – to distill complex topics, unravel jargon, offer transparent and impartial information, and empower businesses to make smart financial decisions with confidence.

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