Long term debt, completely unsecured

Swoop and Equals are pleased to inform you that your business is pre-qualified for a unique BNP Paribas Asset Management¹ unsecured loan, based on initial criteria.

This exciting product requires no security or personal guarantees, and offers low rates and long-term repayment options.


Funding Growth
(For growth, investment and development purposes inc.
Acquisitions and MBOs)


Fixed Rate
(6% to 12%)


No Security
(no Warrant, PGs, ICA, Debentures or Guarantees)


Repayment Profile
(5 to 8 year amortising)


Simple Process
(no legal or third party financial due diligence)


Success fee


Fast Turnaround
(30 days)³


Semi-annual or quarterly within 21 days of period end

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¹ BNP Paribas Asset Managment UK Limited acts as an advisor to the initial lender SME Alternative Financing DAC which includes approving or declining loan applications on behalf of the lender.
² Fee payable to Swoop for arranging the loan. This is instead of an arrangement fee payable to the lender.
³ Subject to receipt of all required information, including but not limited to, three years historical financials, up-to-date managment accounts / MI forecasts (or integrated financial model) and business plan.
Basic criteria – minimum total assets £1m, minimum turnover £1m, either maximum total assets or turnover less than £50m, at least two directors or shareholders.

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