Unplugged – Hector Hughes | Take The Plunge Podcast

The fourteenth instalment of our “Take the Plunge” podcast season 2 is now live. We were delighted to be joined by Hector Hughes, Co-founder of Unplugged. Unplugged are on a mission to help busy city workers unplug from their devices so they can recharge. They provide beautiful cabins, just an hour from city life for you to truly switch off.

Tune in to hear Ciaran and Hector discuss:

  • Starting a business with little to no capital
  • Advantages of asset finance
  • Using feedback effectively to improve your business
  • Drawbacks of holding back on marketing
  • Expanding to other countries

Play Podcast on Spotify or iTunes, or watch it on Youtube above.

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Useful resources
Secured vs. unsecured business loans – what’s best for my business?
Start me up: how to find investment for your startup
How securing startup funding changes the mindset of a new business
Time to invest in your SME

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