Going concern

Page written by AI. Reviewed internally on June 26, 2024.


A going concern, in accounting and business terms, refers to a company’s ability to continue its operations and meet its financial obligations in the foreseeable future.

What is a going concern?

When a company is considered a “going concern,” it is assumed that it will continue its business activities without the intention of liquidation or significant disruption.

Key points related to a going concern include:

1. Operational continuity: A going concern assumption assumes that the company will continue its normal operations, generate revenue, and meet its financial commitments, such as paying its debts, employees, and suppliers.

2. Financial statements: In financial reporting, the assumption of a going concern is fundamental. When preparing financial statements, companies typically assume that they will remain a going concern unless there is evidence to the contrary.

3. Assessment and disclosure: Company management and auditors are responsible for assessing the company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If there are doubts about the company’s ability to continue, these doubts must be disclosed in the financial statements along with the potential implications.

4. Disclosure impact: If there are significant doubts about a company’s ability to continue as a going concern, it can have an impact on financial statements and decision-making. For example, it might affect how assets and liabilities are valued and disclosed.

The going concern assumption is essential for accurate financial reporting. It helps users of financial statements, such as investors, creditors, and other stakeholders, understand the company’s financial health and make informed decisions. If there are substantial concerns about a company’s ability to continue as a going concern, it can signal potential financial distress and impact the company’s access to credit and capital markets.

In summary, a going concern refers to the expectation that a company will continue its operations and meet its financial obligations in the foreseeable future. This assumption is crucial for accurate financial reporting and assessing the company’s financial health.

Example of a going concern

XYZ Manufacturing Company is a well-established manufacturer of electronic components. In its recent financial statements, the management includes a statement affirming the company’s status as a going concern. This is based on several factors:

  1. Positive operating results: XYZ has consistently generated profits over the past several years, indicating a healthy financial performance.
  2. Positive cash flows:The company has positive cash flows from its operating activities, ensuring it can meet its day-to-day operational expenses.
  3. Long-term contracts: XYZ has secured long-term contracts with key clients, providing a stable source of revenue for the foreseeable future.
  4. No indications of financial distress: There are no signs of financial distress, such as defaults on loans or significant liquidity issues.
  5. Sound management and strategy:The management team has demonstrated effective strategic planning and operational management, contributing to the company’s overall success.

By affirming the going concern assumption, XYZ Manufacturing Company assures stakeholders that it expects to continue its operations for the foreseeable future without the need to liquidate or scale down significantly.

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