Petroleum storage licence

Page written by AI. Reviewed internally on May 27, 2024.


A petroleum storage licence is a regulatory requirement for individuals, businesses, or organisations that store large quantities of petroleum products. 

What is a petroleum storage licence?

The petroleum storage licence plays an important role in safeguarding public health, protecting the environment, and minimising the risks associated with the storage and handling of petroleum products. 

The licence is issued by the local Petroleum Enforcement Authority (PEA), typically the local authority, depending on the quantity of petroleum stored and the specific location. It is mandatory for premises storing over a certain threshold of petroleum, as defined by the regulations. This threshold varies depending on the type of petroleum product stored, with different requirements for petrol, diesel, and other fuels.

This licence is governed by the Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014, which aim to ensure the safe storage and handling of petroleum to prevent environmental pollution and reduce potential risks to health and safety

To get a petroleum storage licence, applicants must demonstrate compliance with strict safety and environmental standards set out in the regulations. This includes making sure that the storage facilities meet specified design and construction requirements, implementing appropriate safety measures such as secondary containment systems and fire prevention measures, and conducting regular inspections and maintenance to prevent leaks or spills.

Once granted, the licence is subject to ongoing monitoring and inspection by the PEA to ensure continued compliance with regulatory requirements. Failure to comply with these requirements can result in enforcement action, including fines, suspension or annulment of the licence, and potential prosecution.

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