Futrli – Hannah Dawson | Take The Plunge Podcast

We were very excited to have Hannah Dawson, CEO and Founder of Futrli, take part in the third episode of our podcast series ‘Take The Plunge’ season 2. Futrli is a forecasting tool for small businesses and accountants. Their vision is to give every business the opportunity to flourish by taking control of their financial future, and making the right decisions using their education, tools and products. 

Tune in to hear Ciaran and Hannah discuss: 

  • The motivation behind Futrli  
  • Securing funding to get the business up and running 
  • Understanding the customer segment you want to reach
  • The importance of brand recognition
  • Managing your team 
  • Challenges when scaling the business and managing cash flow 

Play Podcast on Spotify or iTunes, or watch it on Youtube above.

Are you looking for funding to get your business up and running? Simply register an account for free or sign in at Swoop. Here you can discover the funding opportunities available to your business, or get in touch with our team of experts, readily available to offer you guidance and support. 

Swoop Useful Resources: 
Opening a business bank account in the UK: how-to & what you need
Swooping in to save you money
The dos and don’ts of creating a pitch deck
Start me up: how to find investment for your startup

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