Journolink – Peter Ibbetson | Take The Plunge Podcast

We’re thrilled to kick season 2 of our ‘Take The Plunge’ podcast series off with director and founder of JournoLink, Peter Ibbetson. JournoLink is an interactive platform enabling you to manage your PR and send out your business stories to over 10,000 journalists, broadcasters and bloggers. Peter outlines how JournoLink has grown from an idea on the back of a napkin to a successful online platform used by over 3,000 small businesses. 

Tune in to hear Ciaran and Peter talk through:

  • Making your market aware of your product and getting coverage
  • What journalists are looking for
  • JournoLink’s use of analytics and tracking 
  • The importance of having the right people in your team 
  • The resources and skills needed to get the business up and running

Play Podcast on Spotify or iTunes, or watch it on Youtube above.

If you’re considering starting your own business or need funding to get your new business up and running, Swoop can help. Simply register an account for free or sign in to discover the funding opportunities available to your business. You can also get in touch with our team of experts who can offer you support and guidance. 

Swoop Useful Resources:

Start me up: how to find investment for your startup
Small business funding options simply explained by Swoop
The dos and don’ts of creating a pitch deck 
Time to invest in your SME
Why do I need a Business Current Account?
Webinar Recording: PR Masterclass with JournoLink

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