California sales tax calculator

Our Californian sales tax calculator can help you determine the applicable sales tax in your area.

Page written by AI. Reviewed internally on June 13, 2024.


This calculator is intended for illustration purposes only, and uses state tax rates applicable in California in February 2025.

Your results

The estimated total sales tax is

0% ($0)

California tax

0% ($0)

County tax

0% ($0)

City tax

0% ($0)

Special tax

0% ($0)

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How to calculate Californian sales tax

To calculate sales tax in California in USD, you’ll need to know the current sales tax rate in the specific area of interest. Once you have that information, you can use the following formula:

Sales Tax = Total Purchase Amount × Sales Tax Rate

For example, if the total purchase amount is $100 and the sales tax rate is 7.25% (the statewide base rate in California), the calculation would be:

Sales Tax = $100 × 0.0725 = $7.25

So, the sales tax on a $100 purchase at the base rate would be $7.25. Keep in mind that local jurisdictions within California may have additional sales tax rates, so it’s essential to verify the specific rate for the area in question.

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