PayPal fee calculator

PayPal fees can vary depending on factors like the transaction amount, currency, and type of transaction (e.g., goods and services, personal payment, etc.).

Page written by Ashlyn Brooks. Last reviewed on March 4, 2025. Next review due October 1, 2026.


This calculator is intended for illustration purposes only and exact payment terms should be agreed with a lender before taking out a loan.

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PayPal fee


Estimated exchange rate


You will receive


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PayPal fees can vary depending on factors like the transaction amount, currency, and type of transaction (e.g., goods and services, personal payment, etc.). Here at Swoop we strive for complete transparency and understand that these fees can have a significant impact on small to medium enterprises like you. Below you’ll find our transparent PayPal fee calculator to help you estimate your cost of conducting business through PayPal. 

What is a PayPal fee calculator?

A PayPal fee calculator helps businesses determine the exact amount they will receive after PayPal deducts its transaction fees. Whether you’re a freelancer, eCommerce seller, or small business owner, this tool helps you accurately estimate PayPal’s processing charges to set fair pricing and manage profit margins effectively.

How to use our PayPal fee calculator

Our PayPal Fee Calculator is easy to use and provides quick insights into your transaction fees. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Select your payment currency – Choose the currency you’re receiving payment in (e.g., USD, GBP, EUR).
  2. Select your withdrawal currency – Choose the currency in which you’ll withdraw the funds.
  3. Enter the payment amount – Input the amount the buyer is sending via PayPal.
  4. Get your results to instantly see:
    1. total paypal fee
    2. estimated exchange rate
    3. final amount you will receive

Why do I need a PayPal fee calculator?

PayPal fees can significantly impact your earnings, especially for large transactions, currency conversions, and business payments. A fee calculator allows you to understand your net earnings after PayPal deductions, set appropriate pricing for your products or services, and avoid unexpected losses due to hidden fees.

How much will PayPal charge me to receive money?

PayPal charges a combination of percentage-based fees + fixed fees, depending on the transaction type and currency. For domestic payments, PayPal’s fees range from 2.29% to 3.49%, plus a fixed fee. For international transactions, an additional 1.50% fee applies.

How should I use the PayPal fee calculator?

If you regularly receive payments through PayPal, use this calculator before setting your rates to ensure:

  1. Your pricing covers PayPal fees
  2. You request the correct amount from buyers
  3. You factor in currency conversion rates when withdrawing funds

How do you calculate the “You should ask for” amount?

The “You should ask for” amount is the total you need to request from a buyer to ensure you receive the desired final payment after PayPal deducts its fees.

For example, if you want to receive $100 and PayPal charges a 3.49% + $0.49 fee, then you should request $103.98 to receive exactly $100 after PayPal fees.

How do I calculate PayPal fees?

To manually calculate PayPal fees:

PayPal Fee=(Transaction Amount×Percentage Fee)+Fixed Fee

For example, if a buyer sends you $100 and the fee is 3.49% + $0.49:

($100 x 3.49%) + $0.49 = $3.49 + $0.49 = $3.98

So, PayPal will deduct $3.98, leaving you with $96.02

How much is the PayPal fee for $100?

Between $2.38 and $3.98 depending on the transaction type.

What types of PayPal fees are there? 

There are nine main transaction fees listed in the PayPal Merchant Fees Guide. These can range from 2.29% to 3.49% per transaction. If you are completing an international transaction, there is an additional 1.50% on top of the standard rates. PayPal will also apply a markup on exchange rates, around 3-4% depending on the current market.

Payment typePercentageFixed fee (USD)
PayPal Checkout/Guest Checkout3.49%$0.49
Pay with Venmo3.49%$0.49
Credit or Debit Card2.99%$0.49
Send/Receive Money for Goods and Services Fee2.99%No fixed fee
Alternative Payment Method (APM)2.59%$0.49
Alternative Payment Method (APM) through Invoicing2.99%$0.49
QR Code transactions2.29%$0.09
QR Code transactions (via third-party integrator)2.29%$0.09
Other Commercial Transactions3.49%$0.49
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