Swoop State of Business survey 2021

‘COVID-19 and Brexit are both stones in the pond, and we have not yet seen how the last of the ripples will rock the boat.’

How do SMEs in the UK feel about the future after the impact of Brexit and COVID-19? Is there confidence in a return to normal, or are we having to redefine what ‘normal’ means? 

This exclusive survey carried out by Swoop reveals SME attitudes towards the future and the measures our community believes are needed to see the sector continue to grow and thrive.

Commentary is provided by Andrea Reynolds, Founder and CEO at Swoop and René Carayol MBE whose expertise in the leadership of such organisations as M&S, the Inland Revenue and IPC Media make him a true champion of the business community.

Download your free copy now to find out: 

  • How many SMEs expect revenue to increase in the coming year
  • SME attitudes towards government assistance
  • How many businesses feel they will be able to take advantage of future opportunities 

… plus much more. Click here for your copy.

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