Swoop & Futrli – helping businesses navigate the CBILS application process

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      Here at Swoop, we continue to work hard helping all our businesses get access to the right kind of funding. Crucial to this is advising and supporting businesses in their Coronavirus Business Interruption Scheme Loan (CBILS) applications. As we know, the road to success isn’t always easy which is why we have been working tirelessly to find ways to simplify the application process for businesses and maximise the chances of success. So we are pleased to announce our partnership with Futrli who provide a quick and simple financial forecasting tool that will help you tick off a key requirement of the CBILS application.

      What is Futrli?

      Futrli is the world’s first financial analysis platform for small businesses. Using reporting and forecasting software, the platform helps businesses manage their cashflow, and make the right strategic decisions. More specifically, Futrli enables both advisors and small businesses to forecast cashflow over the next three years – a key requirement of any CBILS application.

      So, let Swoop do the heavy lifting as you get CBILS ready, making use of fantastic tools like Futrli which will ensure you’re able to demonstrate your cost commitments in the coming months to any lender.

      How do I access Futrli?


      Full details on how to build your CBILS forecast with Futrli are available and you can sign up now here.

      Swoop is here to offer support and guidance, doing our very best to provide you with easy access to CBILS and alternative funding solutions. Register now to get started.

      You can also find out more about navigating the CBILS application process by watching a recent Swoop and Futrli webinar with our very own CEO Andrea Reynolds and Futrli CEO, Hannah Dawson.

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