EQUITY NEWSLETTER: The impact of green technologies and investment 

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      Hello there, 

      The beginning of spring also marks the end of the financial year. Rather than seeing this as a conclusion, we’re looking ahead to how investment can make the planet sustainable for future generations.

      • Investor interview: balancing financial returns with environmental concerns
      • ULEZ succeeds in bringing down pollution in London
      • Carbon and Emissions Tech Report
      • A webinar worth tuning into

      Happy reading! 


      Investor interview: balancing financial returns with environmental concerns

      Can investors really play a part in making the world a better place?

      Meet Ed Stevens, Co-Founder and Director of One Planet Capital, an EIS fund investing in businesses tackling climate change and the world’s biggest environmental problems.

      In this interview, Ed talks about how he got into the impact space, the need to guard against “greenwashing” and how the market will evolve for green technologies in the coming years.

      ULEZ succeeds in bringing down pollution in London

      The Mayor of London has hailed the success of the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) expansion in increasing air quality for Londoners. 

      This is just one sign of how authorities are reducing emissions and placing an emphasis on the health of people living and working in big cities.  

      Goods and people still need to be transported, however, and the ULEZ scheme has seen companies investing in more electrified fleets, a greater reliance on public transport and better use of existing CO2 emitting infrastructure. 

      Solving the problem of propulsion without pollution is also proving popular with VCs around the world. 

      Read the Inner London Ultra Low Emission Zone Expansion One Year Report here.

      Carbon and Emissions Tech Report

      The big headline from the latest Pitchbook report is that carbon and emissions technologies have defied all talk of a downturn. According to their research, carbon and emissions tech startups raised $13.8 billion in 2022 – that’s just a two percent decrease from the previous year’s $14.1 billion, despite inflation, war in Ukraine and other disruptive factors. 

      Webinar: Destination net zero: Forecasting the future of climate tech

      Climate tech is big news across the European investment landscape, but there are big questions that need to be addressed: where are investors hedging their bets? What innovations are emerging? How are policymakers driving change? 

      A Sifted Talks webinar will explore predictions for the future of climate tech with practical insights from well-known speakers.

      DATE: Wednesday, 15 March 2023

      TIME: 11:00→12:00 GMT 

      Check out the full agenda and panelists at this sign up link.

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