Business rate calculator

Navigating the financial landscape of property related expenses can be difficult. Use this handy calculator to estimate your property tax liabilities. 

Page written by Ian Hawkins. Last reviewed on July 16, 2024. Next review due April 6, 2026.

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This calculator is intended for illustration purposes only and exact payment terms should be agreed with a lender before taking out a loan.

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Uniform Business Rate (UBR)


Total rates payable


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What is a business rate calculator?

Our business rate calculator is designed to assist businesses in estimating the amount they will need to pay for business rates. These rates are a form of property tax imposed on non-residential properties. This calculator provides you with an estimate of your potential tax liability.

Additionally, this calculator can assist in comparing the costs associated with different properties or locations, helping your business make informed decisions about your premises.

What may affect the business rate?

Several factors can affect the amount of business rates a property owner is required to pay. 

  1. Rateable value: The rateable value of the property is a primary determinant. This value reflects an estimate of the property’s open market rental value.

  2. Location: The geographical location of the property is crucial. Different regions or local authorities have different rates, and rates can vary significantly between areas.

  3. Property usage: The type of property and its primary use can impact the rateable value and the business rates. 

  4. Rate multiplier: The multiplier set by the government, is applied to the rateable value to calculate the actual amount of business rates due.

  5. Reliefs and exemptions: Various reliefs and exemptions may be available, which can reduce the amount of business rates payable.

  6. Empty property rate: Properties that are empty for an extended period may be subject to an empty property rate, which is a higher rate of business rates.

  7. Local authority decisions: Local authorities may have authority to grant additional reliefs or supplements based on specific local conditions and policies.

  8. Economic conditions: Economic factors such as inflation rates, changes in property market conditions, and business performance can indirectly influence business rates.

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