Sales tax calculator

Our sales tax calculator can help you determine the the amount of sales tax that should be added to a purchase.

Ian Hawkins

Page written by Ian Hawkins. Last reviewed on June 27, 2024. Next review due April 6, 2025.

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What is sales tax?

Sales tax is a type of consumption tax imposed by governments on the sale of goods and services. It’s typically a percentage of the purchase price and is collected by the seller at the point of sale. The seller then remits the collected tax to the government.

The purpose of sales tax is to generate revenue for government agencies. This revenue is used to fund public services such as education, healthcare, infrastructure, and various other government functions.

It’s important to note that sales tax rates and regulations can vary widely between different regions, states, and countries. In some places, sales tax may be a single, uniform rate applied to most goods and services. In others, there may be different rates for different types of items or exemptions for certain goods like groceries or medical supplies.

In the UK, a similar tax is called Value Added Tax (VAT), and it operates on a slightly different principle. VAT is applied at each stage of the supply chain, not just at the point of sale, and is ultimately borne by the end consumer.

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