Film and TV tax credit loan

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A film and TV tax credit loan is a newer type of loan that uses your future film and high-end television tax credit payments (from HMRC) as security. The loan works on the same principle as an R&D tax credit loan. You have to first qualify for either film or high-end TV tax credits.

There are a number of finance providers who help producers access their film and TV tax credits sooner than they would otherwise be able to if they had to wait for final accounts and HMRC approval. 

These lenders might advance you funds against your film or high-end television tax credit claim – so it follows that you first need to qualify for a film or high-end television tax credit before you can access a tax credit loan.

While film and high-end television tax credits are a great way of funding your production and post-production (in the form of a tax credit), you might not see the money for up to two years. This is because you have to wait until the end of your company’s financial year before you can prepare your accounts and file for the tax credit. You then have to wait an extra 6-12 weeks (often with delays) while HMRC processes your claim before paying your tax credit if your application is successful.

With a film and TV tax credit loan, you don’t have to wait for HMRC. Like any loan, however, you have to pay interest and you might have to pay a fee.

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